Tag: Organisations


Organization; Somalia’s Achilles’ Heel

|Opinion In big cities around Somalia, citizens have formed professional associations such as doctors, engineers, and teachers. These associations, more often than not, descend to...

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Somalia: Is the Climate Crisis a Hoax?

In the middle of endless debates and opposing opinions on the climate crisis, one question persists: is it all just a hoax?

Foreign Interference Threatens Somalia’s Economic Diversification

In discussions concerning Somalia, it has become cliche to preface with an acknowledgment of the country's enduring struggle with prolonged conflicts spanning the past three decades.

Somali Public Discourse: A Cesspool of Intolerance and Hatred

Since the beginning of the Sool region conflict and the signing of the infamous MoU between Ethiopia and Somaliland, the discourse surrounding Somaliland’s independence has reached unprecedented levels of polarization among Somalis.

Clinging To Power by Any Means Necessary: The Ultimate Ambition of the Somali Politician

The general definition a politician is a person who is actively involved in politics, typically as an elected or an appointed official within a government or a political organisation.

Social Media as a Catalyst for Justice: Empowering Victims in Somalia

The transformative shift in Somalia's socio-technological landscape in recent years has been remarkable, primarily driven by the widespread access to the internet provided by private telecommunication companies.